I am Jere Kilpinen. Roots in Karelia and Finland, now working and living in Osaka, Japan. Work with multidisciplinary arts, visual arts, sound arts, poetry, performance and installation and media.
Born 14th of April, 1989.
Various solo and group exhibitions in Finland and Japan, including the International Mokuhanga Conference in Nara 2021.
Bachelor of Arts, SAMK 2021.
In 2019 I graduated from Lahti University of Applied Sciences, as a media content designer. Bachelor's degree.
I moved to Osaka, Japan in 2019.
I have been in bands since 2006, organizing shows and events, doing graphic design, taking and mailing orders, making animated music videos,.
I worked with the long-term-unemployed, socially excluded youth, and other special groups in the past.
I can play any instrument just the way it wants to be played.
I am not a musician, nor painter, nor writer. I am a medium for the Pure Consciousness through which it expresses itself.
I don't believe in afterlife.
I barely believe in this one either.
If you have any questions, ask. I like questioning myself and my views.